Welcome to Our Club

The Rotary Club of Murray Bridge meets at the Bridgeport Hotel

2 Bridge St, Murray Bridge on Tuesday evenings

Fellowship from 6.00pm with meeting starting at 6.15pm.

Apologies or guests to be notified to Jacquie Best by 12pm Monday
0409 377 343

The Four-Way Test

 1.  Is it the TRUTH?
 2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
 4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Speakers - Click at Bottom For Duties
Apr 16, 2024 6:00 PM


Topic: Trachoma

VENUE: Bridgeport Hotel      

Speaker: Marg Whitehead

Chairperson: Jacquie Best

Fellowship & Invocation: Darryl Webb

Reserve: Roger Wicks

Sergeant: Philip Westover

Apr 23, 2024 6:00 PM
RYLA & Rotaract
Apr 30, 2024 6:00 PM
May 07, 2024 6:00 PM
APOPO Humanitarian Demining in Cambodia
View entire list
Upcoming Events
Delivery of Art Works to Gallery
Apr 16, 2024
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Ambrose Golf Tournament 2024
MB Golf Course
Apr 18, 2024
8:00 am - 2:30 pm
Murray Bridge H S - School of Rock
Apr 19, 2024
Bunnings BBQ
Apr 21, 2024
Rotary Art Show
Apr 27, 2024 - May 19, 2024
Bunnings BBQ
May 11, 2024
Collection of Unsold Art Works
May 20, 2024
9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Aged Care & Carers Expo
Murray Bridge Town Hall
May 30, 2024
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
View entire list




What a better way to spend a weekend than hosting another Rotary Club.
The Rotary Club of Adelaide spent the weekend with our club and what a weekend it was. It began by visiting Monarto Safari Park Saturday afternoon, I think it surprised many members from Adelaide as to what is at the park.
Saturday night, a dinner at Bridgeport Hotel was attended by 53 guests, 17 from our club. Guest speaker Peter Clark Director of Monarto Safari Park entertained us with a great presentation about his time in New Guinea, his appointment at Monarto, and the vision he has for the park.
The weekend concluded with a 3-hour luncheon cruise on the Captain Proud, upon arriving back at the wharf we thanked them for spending time with us and wished them a safe trip home. I would like to thank our members for helping make it a great weekend.
Tuesday night we have our own Marg Whitehead as our guest speaker, and look forward to hearing her presentation. See you there.
Cheers Gordon.

Fellowship is gold!

Dinner at the Bridgeport with members of Adelaide Rotary
Last Saturday night at the yearly Adelaide Rotary Presidents weekend- out members enjoyed an interclub dinner at the Bridgeport Hotel with fellow Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge. We were privileged to have as our guest speaker Peter Clark who is the Director of Monarto Safari Park. What an amazing life story Peter has.
Thank you to the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge for a great evening, and for hosting us in your wonderful city.
A visit to Monarto Safari Park was also on the agenda during the day, and on Sunday a cruise on the Murray River - Captain Proud Cruise.
Thanks President Cam and members of the Rotary Club of Adelaide. It truely was a great time of fellowship - Robin LeGallez

Guess Who's Coming To Lunch?


The popular "Guess Who's Coming To Lunch" event is back for 2024.
All it needs is your participation!
The concept is that we have a number of Luncheon Hosts who cater for six additional guests.
Twist is that you wont know who's coming until the guests arrive.
The hosts will provide at least a two course meal with guests supplying their own refreshments.
Hosts do not pay but each attendee will contribute $35 as a fundraiser for our DG's Partner Program.
If required some reimbursement may be available to hosts to help offset costs.
To make this work we need the following.
Hosts willing to cater for 8 people (including themselves)
Guests willing to enjoy a meal, conversation and have fun
When will this happen?
Set aside Sunday 2nd June and be prepared to arrive at your hosts home at 12 midday.
Please contact Robin LeGallez to indicate your availability as a Host or Guest.


Dear Rotarians and Rotaractors,
Our sincere thanks to you, one of the more than 200 people who signed up to attend the Zone 8 Regional Council Membership Team’s first ever webinar on Sunday 7 April.
We are grateful to everyone who took time out of their weekend to learn about the Membership Team’s bold new strategy to grow Rotary and Rotaract in Zone 8.
During the webinar, over 60 people expressed their interest in joining one of the Membership teams on the Regional Council. It’s amazing to see that so many Rotarians and Rotaractors are passionate about membership and are willing to contribute their time and expertise to helping Rotary thrive.
You can view a recording of the webinar session via the following link: https://vimeo.com/933533191/4b5a089507.
The Membership Team is currently reviewing all of the questions submitted during the webinar so they can give you the best answers possible. Common queries will be addressed in a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that will soon be uploaded to the Membership page on the Creating Tomorrow website. If you asked a more specific question that requires a personalised response, someone from the Membership Team will reach out to you soon via email.
Please find below links to the resources referenced during the webinar:
  • View the Regional Council Membership Team here
  • Access the Membership Team’s contact details here
  • Apply to be part of the Regional Council Membership Team here
  • Apply to become a Membership Specialist here
If you have any further questions following on from the webinar, please reach out to Club Transformation Captain Mark Huddleston or New Club Start Up Captain Michael Buckeridge and they’ll be more than happy to help you!

What Is A Paul Harris Fellow?

Recently you received an email asking for nominations for PHF's, but what/who is a Paul Harris Fellow (Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary).
Your Club Service Committee was tasked to provide information for new and old members alike.
Often the word "Award" is used in relation to a PHF being presented however it is not an award per se. 
Essentially a PHF is presented as a RECOGNITION of an amount of $US1,000 being donated to the Rotary Foundation.
Why do we do this?
To answer this question it is important to understand a little about "The Rotary Foundation"
Our Foundation exists to support projects that progress positive action in one or more of the 7 areas of focus. A PHF is a token of thanks for promoting the purposes of Rotary.
Our Rotary Club makes donations to the Foundation throughout the year and earns "credits" for these donations.
A Paul Harris Fellow is a way to recognise a contribution that supports the work of The Foundation.
Within our Rotary Club some outstanding performance by a member or community person, which promotes the work of the Foundation through our Club Projects or other endeavours, can be recognised by giving a PHF.
Board can at any time consider and make decisions about nominations for people to receive a PHF, based upon the worthiness as judged by Board members.
In this instance the source of the $US1,000 to be released to do good work, comes from the credit our Club builds up through our Annual Contribution to The Foundation.
An equally positive means of acquiring a PHF is for a member to make a monetary donation directly to The Foundation of $US1,000.00 which can be
recognised with a PHF.
Once an initial PHF has been presented, additional donations of $US1,000 can add a sapphire. Up to five sapphires can be added to a pin after which each additional $US1,000 adds a ruby to the pin.
To answer the original request, if there is someone you believe has been an outstanding leader or has managed a major project or has been instrumental in bringing positve change in our community then please advise the Board of your nomination. Ideally this person should have been active in one of the Seven Areas of Focus of Rotary International. You will be required to provide some background as to the reason for your nomination. The person does not need to be a Rotarian.

Mother's Day Gifts

Support Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation
Visit the website to buy.

Music Bursary Awardee

Current Rotary Music Bursary Awardee Drew Bettcher was introduced at the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge by Rotary Assisting Local Youth Director Simon Sickerdick at the Bridgeport Hotel Dinner Meeting Tuesday 2nd April. Drew is a Year 11 student at Murray Bridge High School. He began learning the saxophone at Mypolonga Primary School when he was in Year 6. Since then he has increased his music abilities with guitar and bass and has been a member of the school concert band gaining experience in various school and community events including Winter Sounds, Murray Bridge Cultural Festival, Remembrance Day Services and Presentation Night. Drew is highly committed to volunteering in his church community. As well as being a Youth Leader, Drew plays acoustic guitar in LifeHouse Church's band each fortnight. He also has a high interest and volunteers at the production desk developing his skills with sound, lighting and multimedia. He demonstrated these skills to us with a video production he has produced with some of his friends highlighting the effects of music on the mood of the audience which was well received. His interest in screen and media, in particular the use of soundtrack has led him to proposed further study in either a Batchelor of Creative Industries or Batchelor of Creative Arts after high school as a goal. Indeed a worthy recipient of the Rotary Music Bursary and we wish him well in his future endeavours. John Scarvelis

Welcome New Members

Two new members were inducted by President Gordon Schultz last night for the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge. Ali Bolt who works for Elders in Murray Bridge in sales and Caitlin Lennon who is a lawyer in the Tindall Gask Bentley group in Murray Bridge. We welcome them and look forward to the contribution they will make in our Club and community. John Scarvelis


2nd April

Draw Date
    Winning No.
Sold by
    Malcolm Blight
Murray Bridge
M. Blight
    Steve Mc Lachlan
Elizabeth Downs
    Helen Hansen
Murray Bridge
R. Smyth

Food Business Notification Number
Rural City Of Murray Bridge

Trading Business Name: Rotary Club of Murray Bridge
Food Business Notification Number: RCMB118
This business is now notified with the Rural City of Murray Bridge. If there are any changes to the food business notification details, such as a change in address or ownership, please ensure Council is notified with the appropriate form.
While Council has a responsibility for the administration of the Food Act 2001 to ensure compliance with standards and food safety requirements, we consider our primary role is to provide support. We can provide advice and guidance on all Food Standards Code matters.

Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

  • FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
  • SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
  • THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
  • FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.


Rotary Work Shirts

Darryl Webb has arranged with Grandisons to supply Bisley Rotary work shirts in various configurations.
Please visit Grandisons and select your shirt which will then be embroided with our Club logo.
Pay for the shirt and retain your receipt.
Upon presentation of the receipt to Sam Cozens, you will be reimbursed $20 as a subsidy

  What's happening on our Facebook page
John Scarvelis has been posting up a storm with some great content.
Follow the link below to see more...

Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Sue Foster
April 4
Lyn Sickerdick
April 14
Roger Wickes
April 24
Margaret Whitehead
April 29
Spouse Birthdays
Barbara Elston
April 13
Lyn Sickerdick
April 14
Sue Westover
April 24
Gary Frazer
Sue Frazer
April 3
Lisa Foster
David Foster
April 22
Lyn Sickerdick
Simon Sickerdick
April 26
Simon Sickerdick
Lyn Sickerdick
April 26
Join Date
Samuel Cozens
April 2, 2002
22 years
Debbie Scerri
April 4, 2023
1 year
Lisa Foster
April 4, 2023
1 year
Lorraine Baker
April 4, 2023
1 year
Jenny Phillips
April 9, 2001
23 years
Julieanne Sissman
April 27, 2021
3 years

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