Guess Who's Coming To Lunch?WE NEED YOU!!PLEASE CONTACT ROBIN The popular "Guess Who's Coming To Lunch" event is back for 2024. All it needs is your participation! The concept is that we have a number of Luncheon Hosts who cater for six additional guests. Twist is that you wont know who's coming until the guests arrive. The hosts will provide at least a two course meal with guests supplying their own refreshments. Hosts do not pay but each attendee will contribute $35 as a fundraiser for our DG's Partner Program. If required some reimbursement may be available to hosts to help offset costs. To make this work we need the following. Hosts willing to cater for 8 people (including themselves) Guests willing to enjoy a meal, conversation and have fun When will this happen? Set aside Sunday 2nd June and be prepared to arrive at your hosts home at 12 midday. Please contact Robin LeGallez to indicate your availability as a Host or Guest. |