Welcome to Our Club
The Rotary Club of Murray Bridge meets at the Bridgeport Hotel
2 Bridge St, Murray Bridge on Tuesday evenings

Fellowship from 6.00pm with meeting starting at 6.15pm.

Apologies or guests to be notified to Jacquie Best by 12pm Monday
0409 377 343

The Four-Way Test
 1.  Is it the TRUTH?
 2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
 4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Speakers - Click at Bottom For Duties
Jun 11, 2024 6:00 PM
Club Assembly


Topic: Club Assembly

VENUE: Bridgeport Hotel      


Chairperson: President Gordon Schultz

Fellowship & Invocation: Ali Bolt

Reserve: Samuel Cozens

Sergeant: Jim Cundy

Jun 18, 2024 6:00 PM
Cochlear Implants
Jun 25, 2024 6:00 PM
Club 70th Anniversary Part 2
Jun 29, 2024 6:00 PM
Club Changeover
Jul 09, 2024 6:00 PM
Committee Meetings
View entire list
Upcoming Events
Callington Campout BBQ
Jun 21, 2024 - Jun 22, 2024
Club Changeover Dinner
Bridgeport Hotel
Jun 29, 2024
Bunnings BBQ
Jul 13, 2024
View entire list




A warm welcome from a cold drizzly Melbourne.
Thanks go to all the host families and guests for a great Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch last Sunday, I’m sure you all enjoyed your day whatever your role was. There was a great result of $980.00 raised for the Aboriginal Chronic Disease Prevention Project.
Last Tuesday we had a very informative presentation by Mark Smith on Teen Mental Health First Aid, our club has supported students at the Strathalbyn High School with this project which was very much appreciated.
Overall, there has been positive feedback with the new sound system purchased for meetings in the smaller room at the Bridgeport Hotel.
Catching up with the family in Melbourne is going well, all being well I will see you Tuesday night.
Cheers Gordon.

Changeover Dinner 2024

All bookings for our 2024 Changeover Dinner at the Bridgeport Hotel are to be via Trybooking.
Cost is $65 per person and the closing date for bookings is Friday 14th June.
The link below will take you direct to the booking page.
Please contact Robin LeGallez if you have any booking issues.

Do You Need A New Organ?

Judith Coventry has this Kawai organ which belonged to her mother.
Judith would like to restore some room in her house, so if you can suggest a suitable recipient for this organ, please contact
Sam Cozens, 0429 145 532, to help Judith.

RDU Magazine Information

Rotary Down Under database of members.
Please be advised all of our Active Members are accounted for in the Rotary Down Under database.
New members have been added, however no changes have been made for existing members.
The choices for delivery of the RDU Magazine are printed or digital.
If you wish a change for the delivery method please advise me.
If you have changed either your Postal address or email address, please advise me.
Thanking you.
Sam Cozens

Guess Who Came To Lunch?

Sunday 2nd June was a day for friends either old or new as they joined around a table for a meal.
Thanks to the five hosts (Jenny & Rob Walters, Julieanne Sissman, Bev & John Scarvelis, Vicki & Jim Mason and Rhonda & Robin LeGallez) for opening their homes and providing a meal for up to 8 people. Twenty eight guests were all phoned on Sunday morning to advise them of their destination and the hosts found out who their guest were as they opened the door.
Funds raised from the day will be directed to District 9510 Centenary Legacy Project, Aboriginal Chronic Disease Prevention Project.

Recycling Hub


The image below is the design of a recycling hub to be located in the Murray Bridge Library.
There are numerous slots and our Club will be responsible for maintaining the Blister Pack, Soft Drink Bottle Lids and Ring Pulls.
Please do not circulate information or image this as it has not been fully approved

Aged & Carers Expo

The Murray Bridge Performing Arts & Function Centre was the venue for the inaugural Aged & Carers Expo held 30th May 2024.
Members of the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge combined to facilitate this much needed free event.
Conceived and implemented by Rotarian John Whimpress, 30 agencies associated with the aged and carers provided information booths. Throughout the day at least 500 interested people visited and sought information. In addition, three information sessions were held in the upstairs meeting room.
Troughout the day the majority of members of the Rotary Club assisted with setup, greeting visitors and providing a BBQ which was supplied at no cost to diners. Those who were able were asked to make a gold coin donation.
At the conclusion of the day, many exhibitors offered praise for the initiate shown and providing a focal point for those seeking advise.

Expired Film & Old Chrome

Ethan Klemm and another photographer Mel Alexander are working on a photography project, documenting car culture in South Australia using vintage cameras. By using vintage cameras they hope to achieve a classic look to the photos, and create a nostalgic colour and texture. They have recently won a small grant from the Rural City of Murray Bridge funding this project supported by the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge. The vision is to end up with a small booklet and to exhibit their work. Ethan's father Brenton Klemm was a past Rotarian of the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge and well known to the older Rotarian members. Ethan was also a graduate of a Youth Program in the Rotary Club as a younger person. He is currently 24 years old and works at Bow Hill Engineering. Ethan demonstrated some of his photography and ideas at the Rotary meeting on Tuesday and we look forward to the end result. John Scarvelis

Lerwin Mural Update

The Combined Service Clubs have been coordinating a murl to be placed at the Lerwin Nursing Home.
Students at the Murray Bridge High School have been busy painting panels as shown below.


4th June

Draw Date
       Winning No.
Sold by                             
       Linda Franklin
R. Wickes
       Kathryn Franklin
Murray Bridge
Kiwanis Club
       Beryl Freak
Murray Bridge
J. Sissman

Food Business Notification Number
Rural City Of Murray Bridge

Trading Business Name: Rotary Club of Murray Bridge
Food Business Notification Number: RCMB118
This business is now notified with the Rural City of Murray Bridge. If there are any changes to the food business notification details, such as a change in address or ownership, please ensure Council is notified with the appropriate form.
While Council has a responsibility for the administration of the Food Act 2001 to ensure compliance with standards and food safety requirements, we consider our primary role is to provide support. We can provide advice and guidance on all Food Standards Code matters.

Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

  • FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
  • SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
  • THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
  • FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.


Rotary Work Shirts

Darryl Webb has arranged with Grandisons to supply Bisley Rotary work shirts in various configurations.
Please visit Grandisons and select your shirt which will then be embroided with our Club logo.
Pay for the shirt and retain your receipt.
Upon presentation of the receipt to Sam Cozens, you will be reimbursed $20 as a subsidy

  What's happening on our Facebook page
John Scarvelis has been posting up a storm with some great content.
Follow the link below to see more...

Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Stephen Walker
June 17
Kevin Prosser
June 18
Spouse Birthdays
Vicki Mason
June 11
Bob Scerri
June 17
Join Date
Gary Frazer
June 1, 1991
33 years
Jim Cundy
June 9, 2009
15 years

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