
Murray Bridge High School Interact Club

Rotarian John Scarvelis PP PHF & Helen Peake PHF and MBHS Teacher

A joint partnership between the Rotary Club of Murray Bridge and Murray Bridge High School

The Rotary Club of Murray Bridge had the Murray Bridge High School Interact Club Chartered in December 2002 as a RALY (Rotary Assisting Local Youth) project by Rotary International.

Interact is made up of 14 to 18 year olds to develop leadership, citizenship and community responsibility. 
They meet on a regular basis and develop local and international projects to promote international understanding and goodwill. 
A strong emphasis is to influence their peers within the school community, develop self confidence, and develop life skills which will enable them to contribute to Community life after schooling. 
Most importantly to develop friendships and have FUN.

Some Practicalities of running an INTERACT Club The Murray Bridge current Model

Meet on a regular basis at the school in the lunch hour with parental approval.

Have a range of year levels involved in the club from year 8 to 12.

Advertise the Club very early in the school year particularly to attract the new year 8 students.

Include Rotarians in the early meetings but not too many at first so that the members feel that it is their club and that they are the decision makers. Rotarians should only offer support and guidance and make themselves available when requested however let them know of their support.

Have a planning session as early as possible to introduce projects and to discuss plans for the year. Outline past achievements and potential new project opportunities. Highlight that the Club sets its goals as a collective group and including the structure of the club.

Include guest speakers as part of the plan to educate the club members.

Distribute information sheets, brochures, merchandise, to the new members to bring them up to speed and make them feel included.

Have at least two teachers involved in the group for guidance and direction and keep the Principal informed on progress. Promote the Club to the other teachers at the school to keep them informed.

Provide opportunities from the activities of the school, Rotary and the Community to reach the targeted goals of the Club.